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How to Make Cold Brew

Cold brew is the ideal afternoon pick-me-up or ready-to-go option for busy mornings, and making it can be an easy and fun activity to do at home. Cold brew may actually be one of the simplest ways of producing coffee at home. All you need is a container to combine ground coffee and cool water in, a filter to separate them, and a second container for storage.

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The Perfect Grind For Your Favorite Brewing Method

Some of the most common questions we get from our customers here at Café Altura are about coffee grinding, specifically, what grind setting to use when brewing. We’ve explored the concept of grind size distributions and the importance of a good grinder in a previous post, but today I’d like to dive a little deeper into the specifics of why using different grind sizes for different brewing methods matters.

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How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee

Just as you can train to make a perfect dessert or dish in a restaurant, you can also learn how to make a fantastic cup of coffee. When it comes to coffee taste, it doesn’t all come down to the quality of the beans. You can heighten your experience, by following some effective principles for getting the best flavor from your coffee.

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Best Coffees for AeroPress

If you like to brew a single cup of coffee at a time, then the AeroPress is probably right for you. This device mixes the coffee grounds with hot water. Then, the coffee drinker uses a plunger to push the coffee through a filter. It only takes thirty seconds to brew coffee with this method. Once finished, the coffee has …

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Best Coffees for the French Press

The French press is a very popular option for brewing coffee. The French press consists of a cylindrical carafe and a mesh filter. The coffee brews in the water rather than the water flowing through the grounds. The grounds stay under the filter and the strained coffee goes above the filter. Coffee made in a French press is meant to …

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The Clever Coffee Dripper – Full Immersion Method

Nowadays there are so many ways to make coffee! It’s difficult to choose. Each and very method has its pros and cons. When making a cup of coffee, there are a number of variables to take into account: time you have available, type of bean, ground size preference, steep time preference… the list goes on. French press can be wonderful, …

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Best Organic Coffees for Chemex

The Chemex coffeemaker is a pour-over style of coffeemaker. The Chemex is designed to remove the coffee’s oils, creating a taste that you cannot get from other coffeemakers. The process only extracts the desirable part of the bean for brewing, leaving you with a delicious flavor.

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Best Organic Coffees for Coffee Makers

Drip coffee makers use gravity to make coffee. You pour water into the machine and it moves through the coffee grinds. When the water comes into contact with the coffee, it absorbs caffeine, flavors, and oils and then moves through the filter. This is one of the easiest ways to make coffee so it is incredibly popular. You don’t need …

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Best Coffees for the Percolator

Coffee percolators were all the rage before automatic drip coffee makers took their place. Still, many coffee aficionados prefer percolators because they brew rich, full-bodied coffee that is full of flavor. People who want to have full control over how long the coffee percolates choose glass stovetop percolators, while those who want to automate the process use electronic percolators. When …

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Best Coffees For Espresso Machines

Espresso is a strong style of coffee. At one time, most people went out to the local coffee shop for a shot of espresso, but now they can make this style of coffee in their own homes with their espresso machines. Espresso machines work by pushing water that is near its boiling point through ground coffee and a filter. It …