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Triple Pick Adsenia Coffee from Sumatra

Coffee lovers all know that Sumatra produces some of the most widely known and consistently delicious coffees in the world. While not to everyone’s taste, the bold and rich flavors of Sumatra coffee has made an impact on the coffee market and is in high demand anywhere coffee connoisseurs make their favorite cup. Sumatran rain forests provide the perfect shady …

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Best Coffees for the Percolator

Coffee percolators were all the rage before automatic drip coffee makers took their place. Still, many coffee aficionados prefer percolators because they brew rich, full-bodied coffee that is full of flavor. People who want to have full control over how long the coffee percolates choose glass stovetop percolators, while those who want to automate the process use electronic percolators. When …

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Best Coffees For Espresso Machines

Espresso is a strong style of coffee. At one time, most people went out to the local coffee shop for a shot of espresso, but now they can make this style of coffee in their own homes with their espresso machines. Espresso machines work by pushing water that is near its boiling point through ground coffee and a filter. It …

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How Coffee Lovers Manage Acid Reflux

For some people, coffee can be a trigger for acid indigestion. If you’re afraid that’s you, but you love coffee, there may be ways to enjoy coffee without suffering for it every time. Here are some tips about managing heartburn and some ideas for reducing the likelihood of experiencing acid reflux when you drink coffee. Unique Trigger Management There’s no …

What is “Single Source” or “Single Origin” Coffee?

The final taste of any coffee is the result of a process that can involve 10+ steps and changing of hands, across thousands of miles. At each step, a new technique or approach brings out different flavors in the bean. This is furthered when the coffee ends up as part of a “blend.” A coffee blend can mean a lot …