Coffee Culture & Etiquette In The Break Room
Do you rely upon your daily dose of coffee in the morning? Most working people just can’t engage without the proper caffeine boost to start the day … and all through the day.
If there is always a cup of coffee on your desk, you’re probably a routine visitor to the workplace coffee pot. Odds are, within your multiple visits to the coffee pot you probably have noticed specific irritating behavioral patterns enacted by your co-workers.
There is nothing worse than strolling into the break room to find empty pots left on hot burners, decaffeinated in the caffeinated pot, or grounds strewn about the place.
As you share a communal space – as well as coffee – with several different individuals, there are a few rules of coffee etiquette that you ought to follow. This means that everyone can have the pick-me-up they need without cleaning your mess up first. And correct caffeine levels make for nicer co-workers!
Brewing the First Pot
Contrary to popular belief, the coffee discovered inside your workplace coffee pot doesn’t appear magically each morning. In many offices, standard coffee etiquette will dictate that the first individual to arrive at the office each morning will make the first brew.
If you stroll into work and notice that the pot is empty, do not wait for somebody else to come and do the job. There isn’t any reason why you can’t get it going, especially when you’ve arrived with time to spare. And because, coffee.
Do Not Leave an Empty Coffee Pot
If you work at an office that has a standard coffee maker, accessible water, filters, and coffee grounds, then re-making for the next in line to the caffeine throne is among the most important principles of coffee etiquette. Actually, it’s a rule for life in general!
There is no good reason to leave an empty coffee pot behind you if you took the last cup. It’ll only take a minute to get the next pot brewing. Likewise, for those who work at an office with a k-cup coffee maker, you ought to refill the water in the coffee machine if you are there when it runs out.
Use the Right Pots and CoffeeÂ
Offices sometimes have two coffee pots or machines; one for decaffeinated brews and another for caffeinated. Getting the pots mixed up is a genuine break room faux pas.
For the people relying on caffeine just to get through the day, figuring out they have been consuming cup after cup of decaffeinated may be frustrating. Pay attention to the coffee you take out of the cabinet; it could save someone’s day.
Clean Up
The only thing as annoying as strolling into a break room to see an empty pot, is finding it in a complete mess. It isn’t uncommon to see spills or coffee grounds all over the surfaces, sink and floor, as well as stirrers, empty sugar packets, and creamers tossed around.
It isn’t the responsibility of the next individual to enter the break room to clean up your mess. Nor is it the responsibility of the custodial team. Be certain that the trash is tossed out and that all spills are cleaned up. This promotes office harmony, and shows people that you’re a team player. Also, you don’t want the next person to think the mess was made by you.
With those simple rules in place, you and everybody in the office may have a wonderful cup of coffee, or several, without any frustration. Bear in mind that you aren’t the only individual in the office who needs a touch of caffeine to get through your rough work day.
Minding your manners inside the break room is going to make a happier work environment for all.
Other considerations
Money Jar
There might not be a line item in the company budget for your coffee station, so it’s usually incumbent upon the staff to buy those things. One method of sharing the expense of coffee supplies includes putting out a jar for any loose coins.
At the completion of every week or month, have someone in charge of the coffee station make use of that money to purchase new supplies. Plus, suggest that somebody lock up the loose change jar up at the end of every shift.
Donuts, Muffins, and Scones
Coffee is often appreciated with a sweet snack like donuts, muffins, or scones. Assign somebody to be in charge of getting pastries every day. If there isn’t an assistant to do this task, rotate it through everyone who uses the break room.
Depending on the size of the staff, it might be an idea not to involve the more junior staff. For some people, buying 20 pastries is the difference between getting the bus or walking home: be kind.
You might also consider buying packaged muffins, donuts, and scones, which have a longer shelf-life, unlike employees who break these rules!