How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee
Just as you can train to make a perfect dessert or dish in a restaurant, you can also learn how to make a fantastic cup of coffee. When it comes to coffee taste, it doesn’t all come down to the quality of the beans. You can heighten your experience, by following some effective principles for getting the best flavor from your coffee.
If you want to make the perfect coffee, then you have come to the right place! Let Café Altura guide you through this process. Your coffee will taste like its handmade by your favorite barista every time!
Select your favorite Café Altura.
You have wide range to choose from. We provide whole bean, pre-ground, and instant varieties. Whichever you use, we use top quality Arabica coffee, so you’ll already be off to a good start.
Whichever kind of coffee floats your coffee boat, we have it right here and ready to go. Get your coffee ready and we can start.
If you grind your own beans, this is the time to do it.
Get your water ready. Aside from your beans, the water you use may have the most impact on the flavor of your coffee.
You’re going to be drinking this water once you’ve made your coffee, so use water that tastes good.
Choosing and processing your water deserves a post all of its own, but to keep things simple here, we say that your water should be without odor or off-flavors. If it doesn’t taste good to drink as it is, it’s not going to help your coffee any either.
Brew the coffee:
Coffee is a very personal thing.
If you are in a hurry, or a lover of instant coffee, add a teaspoon of tinned coffee into the mug, add your hot water and et voila! One coffee, ready to be augmented.
If you have a drip coffee maker, ensure there is plenty of water in the tank. Remember water is a large part of your coffee as a whole, so always over, rather than under estimate the amount needed.
Add your filter, then add your coffee. As a rule of thumb, aim for one to two spoons per person. In time, you will grow to know exactly how much coffee to put in to make your perfect brew. Again, coffee is personal.
If you are making your coffee via a French Press, we’d recommend using one-two tablespoons of coffee per person. Your mileage may vary. Add hot water and leave to stand for around 5 minutes.
Perhaps you use a different type of coffee machine? There are so many different methods of coffee making out there, it’s difficult to anticipate them all, but you can always get in touch if you would like further advice.
Steam/froth your milk.
With or without milk is probably the biggest decision faced by the coffee drinker. (Closely followed by with or without snack). Most people are staunchly in one camp or the other.
If you add milk to your coffee, steaming or frothing the milk can make all the difference. It can transform your regular cup into something altogether hotter and more luxurious. Think Parisien Café style. With the right milk frothing tool, you can get professional results, every time.
The advantage of cold milk is that it’s super quick. It also cools your coffee, which – for some people – will make it drinkable more quickly.
Cream also adds a luxurious edge to your coffee, but watch out for incremental weight gain if you make this a habit.
Soy, almond, and coconut milk make interesting alternatives to dairy.
Your coffee is perfectly brewed. So what’s next?
The cup.
We recommend having a wide range of coffee cups available so that you can tailor your beverage for any occasion.
Pretty cups are ideal for long and leisurely catch-ups with friends, or a moment of luxury by yourself. Your first coffee of the day might be revered in your favorite cup of all, whereas you might use run-of-the-mill mugs during the day and for coffee breaks. A flask or travel cup becomes the ideal vessel when you are on the go. You could even buy a thermal flask/cup so that you can enjoy a hot beverage at any time. This way, you need never be without access to coffee!
Scout your location.
Now that you have perfected the art of making the perfect coffee, it’s time to perfect the coffee experience. To do this, you need to scope out the perfect coffee drinking location. This might be a favorite spot on the sofa, a cozy armchair, or a sunny spot in the garden. Wherever it is, acknowledge it as such and make a date for yourself at least several times a week.
Decide on with or without company.
You may choose to share your perfect coffee with a lucky friend or family member. A good cup of coffee is enhanced by a great chat, and vice versa. If you love coffee and you love company, make sure you make enough for two, plus refills.
Finally, you can sit down, relax and enjoy your perfect cup of Café Altura!
Start with great, organic, top-quality coffee and find your perfect coffee from there. Don’t settle for splashing hot water on more expensive, inferior products.
If you are a regular coffee drinker, then making the perfect cup of coffee is a worthwhile investment in your personal pleasure. Anyone drinking one of your coffees will love you for it too.
If you’re new to coffee, you’ll see that coffee is more than just a hot beverage. For many people, it enhances their way of life and becomes a favorite part of their routine.