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How to Drink Coffee to Boost Performance

More, faster, better, longer! The pressures of work, family, exercise, nutrition, and social life, can take their toll. We have to fit it all in, whether we’re students, carers, CEOs, or mothers of multiple children. How do we accomplish this? For most people, the answer seems to be coffee!

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Honey in Coffee – It’s a Thing!

“All-natural,” “organic,” “non-GMO,” “antioxidants,” “fight free radicals” … there is a strong push for fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients in whatever we consume. Sugar is often enemy number one. So what to do if you just want a little bit of sweetener in your morning cup of Joe? Honey is an excellent alternative to the sweeteners available on the shelves.

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Coffee Culture & Etiquette In The Break Room

If there is always a cup of coffee on your desk, you’re probably a routine visitor to the workplace coffee pot. Odds are, within your multiple visits to the coffee pot you probably have at one point or the other strolled into the break room to find empty pots left on hot burners, decaffeinated in the caffeinated pot, or grounds strewn about the place. What are some rules of coffee etiquette to be followed?

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The Horror! Can You Imagine An Office Without Coffee?

Next time it’s Friday the 13th, forget about Jason, Freddy, and Chucky. Let’s talk about something really scary. Imagine a workplace without … coffee. Coffee is arguably essential to the modern workforce. Somebody is going to be a coffee drinker. Coffee drinkers are usually in the majority. And like Formula 1 race cars, they require fuel.

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Instant Coffee Can Be Organic & Delicious

Coffee has an array of health benefits. Many readers have asked if this is true of instant organic coffee. Research that has included instant organic coffee, and the few that have exclusively focused on it, suggest that it is just as good for you.

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How Coffee Drinkers Manage Heartburn

The stomach is a highly specialized organ, built to withstand a very acidic environment. The esophagus, however, is not. If your caffeine consumption is too high, the muscle connecting the stomach to the esophagus becomes relaxed, creating an open channel between the two. Acid from the stomach then rises, causing heartburn.

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What is Fair Trade Coffee?

Fair Trade coffee not only tastes great, but it is produced in a way that will nourish the body, mind and soul of anyone who purchases it! That said… what is Fair Trade Coffee? We offer many Fair Trade coffees for you to enjoy. When you learn where your money goes when you buy Fair Trade and you’ll realize the …

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Coffee vs Energy Drinks

Energy drinks and coffee are often consumed for the same reason. By comparison, energy drinks are the new kids on the block. They tend to be considered the bad boys of caffeine, too. Partly, the reputation of energy drinks is down to claims that they provide a ‘jolt’ of caffeine. If you want to get caffeine into your system quickly, …

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Is Coffee for the Office Tax-Deductible?

Coffee and the workplace go hand-in-hand. From Italian factory workers getting espresso during their breaks, creating espresso for employees to get their caffeine quick, to the endless pod-coffee makers in offices today, bosses have long known coffee to be a worthwhile investment in employee morale and productivity. The coffee can be a nice bonus for employees allowing them to stay …

Hardwired: Do Coffee Habits Run in Our Genes?

Whether you love coffee or suspect that you might even be addicted to it, you’re not alone. What is more, it turns out that some of us are natural born coffee drinkers! Some people can stop at one or two coffees per day, but others crave it, day and night. Your desire to drink coffee might have more to do …